PSLE Effectively and Efficiently

In Singapore, PSLE is on everyone’s minds. It is constantly referred to in news, conversations and daily routines. This is because the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a huge milestone in every student’s academy journey.

One of the most important things to remember for any PSLE English learner is to leave enough time for checking and editing their answers. This is because errors are easy to miss. Taking five minutes to consider word choice and precision can make the difference between an incorrect answer and a good one.

Another thing to remember for any PSLE English learner when it comes to answering questions is to read the whole question and instructions before starting to write. This will ensure that they have a clear idea of what the examiner is looking for and they can structure their answers accordingly. It will also help them avoid making unnecessary mistakes, especially in continuous writing!

Reading the whole piece of text before answering any questions is a great way to improve your child’s comprehension score. This enables them to develop a wider and deeper framework for the text, which will be useful for answering open-ended questions like the comprehension cloze. In addition, they can also use this approach for answering inferential gaps.

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